Friday 5 August 2016

Bad weather, how to cope with it!

This last week i had a few days with bad weather, cold rain and only heavy clouded. In that weather creating a good photograph is difficult, not impossible though. You just have to look in the right places. 
When you photograph landscapes rain clouds can be a blessing, having a dramatic sky over a mediocre landscape can make a beautiful image. But still you need to be outside to create that photograph, going outside when the weather is bad that is the difficult part.

Getting yourself to go out in bad weather.

When it is raining, grey skies and cold it is understandable that you rater stay inside with a cup of tea and a Top Gear Special. And i think getting a pattern of going out to shoot. When you go everyday you get used to it. My tip is start when you have a day with nice weather and get the shots you want, when you have done that and there is a day when the weather is bad you know the area. After you get accustomed to going outside in nice weather and mediocre weather its no big deal to go out in bad weather because you know where to hide if it happens to be downpouring. and remember when you go outside to shoot and the weather is bad dress for the weather. 

My recommendation is to get these clothing:

  • hiking shoes
  • hiking socks ( cary extra in your bag in case of wet feet)
  • strong flexible pants
  • t-shirt
  • sweater
  • rain coth
  • long sleeve (in case of extra cold weather, keep one in your bag)
  • gloves (handy when its snowing, also when there is a lot of wind)
  • hat (keep the sun out of your eyes)
  • sunblock
  • insect spray
It might look like pointless investments but having these to wear gives extra confidence to photograph out and about in nature.

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I am Claes Touber a Dutch Photographer. My photography spreads from landscape photography to wildlife photography. 

These forms of photography give me more opportunities to capture emotions that will for fill me. Every day there is a new opportunity and a new adventure waiting to capture. 

My work can be found and bought on:
photoblog society6 redbubble portfolio werk aan de muur 500px prime fine art america

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