Friday 10 June 2016

Getting great macro photos

Getting down low in important
Macro photography is an interesting form of photography. You can do it everywhere, in home, your garden, the street.

For example a wall, a wall has lines, indentations. In there you can find textures and insects. A recurring texture makes a great look for a photograph. Insects can be interesting because the color of the brick and the pattern of the bricks.

Top tips:

  • Get down low. When you are laying on the ground trying to photograph an insect you have more background options than if you are pointing your camera to the ground.
  • You don't need a macro lens to shoot macro. a 50mm lens can create great close up photographs. If you want to get closer but you don`t want to degrade your image quality: buy extension tubes. because the extension tubes dont add glass in front of behind your lens. And if you buy a real macro lens you can still use extension tubes. With the extension tubes you can get more than one to one magnification.
  • Use a flash. With a flash you add light to the scene. The flash can freeze fast movement or accentuate textures in you image. Another reason to use a flash is so you can shoot with a larger depth of field. The depth of field is a side effect of how big your aperture is. A large aperture results in to a small depth of field. Meaning less of your photo is infocus.  But in macro a small aperture has a small depth of field. So when you want more than a milimeter of your photo in focus you need an aperture of F/14. A F/14 aperture lets in a very small amount of light.
Let me know if you find these macro photography tips helpful. Let me see your images, I like to see other people's photos. It is inspiring, tag me in the picture on social media (@ClaesTouber on twitter and @claes_touber_photography on instagram) 

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I am Claes Touber a Dutch Photographer. My photography spreads from landscape photography to wildlife photography. 

These forms of photography give me more opportunities to capture emotions that will for fill me. Every day there is a new opportunity and a new adventure waiting to capture. 

My work can be found and bought on:
photoblog society6 redbubble portfolio werk aan de muur 500px prime fine art america

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